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Productos Naturales

MINERAL SALTS: ( powder presentation)

These salts are twelve mineral salts that are found in the human organism to a greater or lesser extent and are essential for their proper functioning, so the lack of one or more of them can lead to the appearance of a series of functions and disorders that they end up causing some of the so-called diseases.


Today they are used therapeutically in a homeopathic way to harmonize the metabolism and stimulate their self-healing capacity, each one achieving the improvement of specific metabolic functions with the advantage that there is no danger of exceeding the dose since the body only takes advantage of what it needs and the rest expels it.


There are no iatrogenic side effects and no contraindications are known. It is a completely harmless natural supplement that can be used as a preventive or supplement to any other therapy or treatment.


1. Calcium Fluoratum

This salt is responsible for giving elasticity to cellular tissue. It is used for skins with alterations, such as wounds, scars, wrinkles, varicose veins, etc


2. Calcium Phosphoricum

It has an impact on the bones. It helps bone growth, blood clotting and improves nutrient exchange by permeabilizing the cell membrane.


3. Ferrum Phosphoricum

If you suffer any injury or inflammation, this is your salt. It improves the absorption of oxygen and iron, in addition to regulating blood circulation.


4. Kalium Chloratum

Regulates the body's sodium levels and is useful in the treatment of wounds, inflammations or mucous membranes. It is very effective against phlegm or the appearance of abundant mucosa.

5.  Kalium Phosphoricum

Revitalizes the body and brain of physical and mental activity. This allows an improvement in the functioning of the muscles, faster healing processes and an optimization of nerve impulse transmission.


6. Kalium Sulfuricum

It is essential if what you are looking for is to purify your body, because it cleanses the liver, the great natural chemical laboratory of the human body. The intake of this type of salt helps reduce chronic inflammations and skin disorders.


7. Magnesium Phosporicum

Natural soothing pain of all kinds, especially muscle aches, cramps, migraines, etc.

Among its main effects we find the remission of cramp.


8. Natrium Chloratum

Stimulates metabolism, especially the so-called liquid metabolism,

which is responsible for digesting food with gastric flows.


9. Natrium Phosphoricum

It also acts on the metabolism, but this time reducing the acid levels of the body,

something very useful for digestive pain or gout.


10.  Natrium Sulfuricum

This salt also serves to detoxify the body. It purifies organs such as the kidneys,

pancreas or intestine, which makes it very useful for alleviating problems

with constipation, diarrhea, cramps, rheumatism, etc.


11. Silicea

This salt is directly involved in cartilage, tendons and bones as an aid in the

creation of collagen, the main component of cosmetic materials.

Use this salt in the case where you have problems

with arteries, wrinkles, corns and nails.


12. Calcium Sulfuricum

It drains what we know as pus.

It helps, therefore in the suppuration of wounds

and to reduce problems of bronchitis or others.



Adjuvant for the improvement of moods, depression, psychosomatic pathological conditions, anxiety, irritability, susceptibility to crying, hormonal changes neurosis, psychomotor development disorder in children, spinal cord trauma, decreased school performance, insomnia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome , cerebral edema, memory conditions, cerebral contusions, convulsive syndromes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Sclerosis.



Stimulates defense mechanisms of your immune system, reactivates blocked enzyme systems, stimulates metabolic and glandular functions, drains lymphatic system (lymph nodes) essential for the treatment and prevention of infectious, viral (flu), acute and chronic bacterial diseases.



Adjuvant in the treatment for the improvement of osteoarthritis, neuralgia, arthritic conditions of the entire osteoarticular system, arthropathies, muscle aches, fatigue, exhaustion, cramps, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, scoliosis, joint inflammation, osteochondrosis.



Treatment of gastrointestinal disturbances and irritability, meteorism (gases), liver dysfunctions, alcohol abuse disorders, gastritis, esophagitis, reflux, intestinal spasms, colitis, diverticulitis, intestinal function disorders, hepatic detoxifier, diarrhea, abdominal pains in general.



Diabetes Mellitus, disorders and complications caused by diabetes, pancreatitis, liver and pancreas conditions, hepatitis, cirrhosis, congestion and inflammation of the hepato-biliary region, intestinal hemorrhages, chronic digestive conditions, gastritis.




Inflammatory disorders of the genital and renal tract, renal and biliary lithiasis (stones), burning when urinating, fatigue of the defensive system, nephritis, nephrolithiasis, rheumatic conditions, serves as a diuretic and for weight loss.



Inflammatory disorders of the genital and renal tract, renal and biliary lithiasis (stones), burning when urinating, fatigue of the defensive system, nephritis, nephrolithiasis, rheumatic conditions, serves as a diuretic and for weight loss.



In cases of menopause, polycystic ovary, fibroids, heavy bleeding during the menstrual period or absence, metabolic disorders, hypothyroidism.



Mental fatigue, exhaustion, stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, low sexual performance.



High blood pressure, coronary heart disease, angina, arrhythmia, heart failure caused by stress, cerebral irrigation



Varicose vein, fatigue, leg pain, vascular fragility, cramping, tingling, swelling of the ankles and feet, thrombophlebitis, improvement in blood return.

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