Dr. David Contreras
Dr. Contreras is currently one of the most recognized medical professionals in Colombia and in other countries in the management of regeneration and biological therapy treatments.
Social Work
Learn here about the social work carried out by Dr. Contreras, as well as all the information related to this important activity.
By scheduling your appointment or buying Dr. Contreras products you are contributing to the work of helping the needy.
Discover a New Way to Improve your Quality of Life

Preventive Treatments
Biomolecular Therapy
45 min
Biomolecular Therapy VitOrgan
VitOrgan Biological Therapy is a successful therapy.
This makes a bridge between the so-called classical medicine and natural healing procedures.
It uses the natural substances with regulatory and metabolic effects that are found both in humans and animals to normalize processes that went into disequilibrium due to a physiological illness and in this way treat the patient not only symptomatically but causally..
The True Beauty and Healing Come from Within
This is appreciated by loyal customers - they act and are fully cared for in the sense of Teresa de Avila:
"Do good things for your body, so that your soul may like to live in it".
Discover a New Way to Improve your Quality of Life
Results that you see and feel!
Discover a New Way to Improve your Quality of Life

“Desde que empezó el tratamiento con el Dr. David Contreras, me he sentido con mucha energía, flexibilidad y vitalidad. Muchísimo mejor lidiando con mi discapacidad motora. Estoy muy agradecido con el Doctor”
— Name, Title
— Daniel Daza

“Para mi creer en esta medicina me era difícil, hasta que obtuve resultados extraordinarios y ahora la recomiendo a todos ”
— Juan Manuel Posada
“Gratitud, es el sentimiento que nos genera el Dr. David Contreras, confianza y admiración por su dedicación, y ternura con sus pacientes.
Hemos recibido unos resultados maravillosos con cada patología que nos ha tratado. Han sido efectivos los resultados y hemos mejorado ostensiblemente la calidad de vida”
— Norma Martínez
— Diana Gallego
— Carmen Cadavid
— Norma Cadavid
— Name, Title

Contact us
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm
Saturday: Cerrado
Sunday: Cerrado
Book your Appointment
Bogotá, Colombia
Address Calle 117 N. 6A – 60
Consultorio 401B
Phone: (60) (1) 7047013
Cell phone: (57) 316 5858675
Cell phone: (57) 320 843 64 04
Email: info@DrDavidContreras.com